Well as we know soon summer will over and we know what that means...BACK TO SCHOOL! Some of us will be happy (parents) and some of us will be sad (older kids). The little ones will be excited! When I think about going back to school I also think about us as adults and OUR learning. Do you continue to learn whenever you get the opportunity? Learning is growth and as we experience all the good, bad and ugly we continue to learn/grow, even if we don't realize it at first. We are life-long learners and we are super smart as human beings so when you have a problem or concern and you are not sure how to handle...trust me you do. It is inside of you and you just have to tap into with that incredible intelligence you have. So here is to ALL of us the young and
the old to going back to school and getting back to the basics. We got this! In the meantime, it is STILL SUMMER so get out there and enjoy this next wonderful and warm week.